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Where to Find Our Art

Since the winter of 2012, we have been sharing our nature inspired art at shows & festivals throughout Washington, Oregon, California,

Utah, Arizona and beyond. 

In 2020, our lives, along with everyone else's, had to adapt. Which art shows we regularly attend really switched up along with several life dynamics. 

We are now traveling & living full-time in our custom wooden traveling tiny house RV.

We show our art at markets & festivals,

have our art in some beautiful shops & galleries,

as well as are always available to make creations

made for YOU if you contact us directly.

We will keep this page updated with our show schedule.

We also have our art available in some stores and art galleries. (see below for locations)

If YOU have a store or art gallery and would like to have our art in your shop, please reach out to us. We love sharing our one-of-a-kind art!

Learn & watch our traveling tiny house & art studio adventures on via Sea Tree Wonder.

Sea Tree Wonder logo NEW FINAL

Upcoming 2024
Art Festivals, Shows & Markets

stay tuned! this list will grow!

Contact us with questions or to pre-order specific creations.

June 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th & July 6th -- Joseph, Oregon

Saturday 9am-2pm in,

Wallowa County Farmers Market

Fresh local food, handmade art and crafts, live music and community


Find us on E. First Street between The Flying Pig Bar and Rusty Spur Bar and Grill in downtown Joseph, Oregon

We are open for special orders.

Interested in our one-of-a-kind hanging ornament sculptures?

CLICK HERE to view our current list of nature, wildlife, animal, pet, and other designs we have created and regularly make.

Contact us via phone or email.

Art Gallery & Store Locations
(see details per location - list of locations will grow - stay tuned)

Wild Bird Chalet -- 108 Ohio St. Bellingham, WA 98225

Bird seed, houses & baths and bird inspired art & gifts.

See their website for their store details/hours etc:

***For purchase at the Wild Bird Chalet you can find a small selection of our Rainbow Orca Designs one-of-a-kind hanging ornament sculptures and wearable art earrings made from hand-painted & varnished paper featuring colorful birds and animals of the garden!

Sedona Hummingbird Gallery -- 6560 AZ-179 #126, Sedona, AZ 86351

(in Village of Oak Creek)

Hummingbird inspired art gallery featuring the photography & work of Beth Kinglsey Hawkins

***For purchase at the Sedona Hummingbird Gallery you can find a beautiful variety of our original hanging hummingbird ornament sculptures and wearable art hummingbird earrings. This is a beautiful gallery celebrating wonderment inspiring hummingbirds and hummingbird art!

Uinta Alpacas & Farm Store -- 450 N 200 W, Willard, UT 84340

Open By Appointment, Mon. - Sat.

Visit for an incredible alpaca farm experience and to shop high quality alpaca based or inspired products.

***For purchase at the Uinta Alpaca & Farm Store you can find a beautiful variety of our wearable art alpaca and farm animal related wearable art earrings. 

Ship Arizona -- 995 W 4th St Ste B, Benson, AZ 85602

Shipping & mail service, along with stationary supplies.

***For purchase at Ship Arizona, you can find a diverse selection of prints of our nature inspired watercolor paintings available as 5x7 Art Cards.

If YOU have a store or art gallery and would like to have our art in your shop, please reach out to us. We love sharing our one-of-a-kind art!

We are open for consignment and wholesale.

Nature & Wildlife Inspired Art

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We are creating beautiful & unique art for YOU.
We have made our
one-of-a-kind original art pieces AND prints available for purchase online and in person.

 We value your support and appreciation of our art!

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Currently, a very SMALL selection of our hanging ornament sculptures, wearable art jewelry, and art cards are available online for purchase through our Etsy Shop.

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** We are in the process of setting up partnerships and online shops with several other online art marketplaces. Stay tuned for additional details.

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Ways YOU Can Help Us Continue
Creating & Sharing JOYfilled Art

Consider donating to our Rainbow Orca Designs "Tip Jar" today.

Become a monthly member & supporter as a Patron through Patreon.

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Happiness & Gratitude: The Wonder Journey Begins

Happiness & Gratitude: The Wonder Journey Begins

The Sea Tree Wonder journey is about finding more wonder and joy each and every day. By sharing our finding wonder adventures with you each week in video episodes, we hope to become better wonder appreciators ourselves, and inspire others to find wonder, celebrate life’s joys, and find things to appreciate. Daily life can be rough and stress, fears, worries, and hardship is real. It is easy to let these challenges bring us down and deplete our abilities to feel happy and excited about our lives. While challenges and hardships will always be present, our outlooks, attitudes, and habits can help inspire us to find and feel wonder and joy even in the rough times. We know what it’s like to feel too tired and worn down by hardship to find joy, and we are done missing out on all the beauty that fills our blue, green, and love filled world. We are on a quest to bring more joy, gratitude, and wonder into our lives. Starting now, we are sharing our journey with you here in weekly video episodes. We invite you to join the wonder journey. Let’s build a community of people finding, experiencing, and sharing happiness, wonder, and gratitude with each other. MORE Details on the BLOG Post: SUPPORT these WONDER Videos: Want to LEARN MORE about the WONDER Journey? Visit our website: Get SOCIAL with us: ~ Facebook: ~ Instagram: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video episode and future ones are all created, edited, and filmed by the two of us! Our video making tools? As we start our video making journey, we are filming our adventures on our two phones and a GoPro. We have a small microphone and a few simple tools to help us be film makers. We are really excited to continue developing our movie making skills! The wonderful music that goes into underscoring our videos is all licensed through Artlist. WONDERFUL MUSIC for Videos: ~ Songs licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode: Alex Zado, Ziv Moran, Ian Post, Rex Banner, and Marc Robillard Some Copyright Free/Royalty Free/Public Domain Video & Photos were used in this episode. Licensed under the Pexels license; ~ Video Clip of Undersea Footage ~ Photo of Mountain Meadow ~ Photo of Desert ~ Photo of Forest from sky level Licensed under the Pixabay license; ~ Photo of Earth Globe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU for watching our Premiere Video Episode! This is the beginning of the WONDER ADVENTURE! So much is to come on the journey ahead… ~ If you LIKE our videos, be sure to give them a thumbs up. Thank you! ~ Share with us in the comment section below, what you appreciate in your daily life and what makes you feel wonder. We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY here and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other. ~ SUBSCRIBE to our Sea Tree Wonder Channel here on Youtube. ~ SHARE this video with your friends and family. Your likes, comments, subscriptions, and shares help the videos get shared with more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the happier the world we can all help create! Thank you again! Cheers to the adventures to come. SEE YOU NEXT WEEK FOR A NEW VIDEO EPISODE! Cheers, Wendy (Sequoia Win’Ni) & Megan (“life adventure buddies”, with the truest relationship best described as “best friend sisters”, through having come into this world as mother & daughter.) P.S. Wonder DOGS Uluru and Konane, wish us to share their thanks and joy with you too! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * You can always learn more about the “Finding Wonder & Joy Journey” by visiting the website; ** Sign up for our email newsletter to join in on the Wonder Journey. We’ll send you smiles, hugs, wonderments, encouragement and inspiration to your inbox each time we have a new weekly video episode to share. Your email is safe, we will not send junk, spam or sell your information to anyone! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Inspiring #Nature #SeaTreeWonder #HappinessVlog #Wonder SEA TREE WONDER, All Rights Reserved
Afternoon at the Park: Appreciating Wonder of Trees

Afternoon at the Park: Appreciating Wonder of Trees

In this week’s video, we found wonder in an hour or two spent at a local city park appreciating trees. This is Episode #2 of the Sea Tree Wonder journey! We are two family members & best friends on a quest to find, experience & share with the world, our daily joys, wonders & causes for appreciation. Amidst a busy & stressful day, we decided to pause the craziness and go visit a park on an afternoon in late summer. Thanks to being on a DAILY QUEST to find wonders and things to appreciate, we knew it was time to get outside and find joy. We went to Cornwall Park in Bellingham, WA which happens to be a beautifully forested park with trees of all ages. As soon as we arrived at the park, time slowed down and we found happiness as we began finding wonder. TREES quickly became the focus of our awe. It would have been easy to say, why go to the park? We have no time. Yet, because of the wonder quest, we knew we needed to find wonder, so we went to the park, and we were so much happier because of it. Our brief time at the park, was the memorable & meaningful highlight of the day. Thanks to our “finding wonder” commitment, we concluded our day as much happier people because we had spent time finding & feeling wonder, along with soaking in the tranquility & beauty of trees. MORE Details on the BLOG Post: SUPPORT these WONDER Videos: Want to LEARN MORE about the WONDER Journey? Visit: Get SOCIAL with us: ~ Facebook: ~ Instagram: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This week’s video, like all the ones to come, our made by the two of us. We create, edit, and film all our video episodes! We are really excited to continue developing our movie making skills as we continue to make weekly video episodes. The wonderful music that goes into underscoring our videos is all licensed through Artlist. WONDERFUL MUSIC for Videos: ~ Songs licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode: Ben Potter, Rodello’s Machine, Hanjo Gabler, ANBR, and Marc Robillard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All video & photos are filmed by the two of us with the exception of the following: Some Copyright Free/Royalty Free/Public Domain Video & Photos were used in this episode. Licensed under the Pexels license; ~ Video clip of tree blowing gently in breeze during episode introduction Licensed under the Unsplash license; ~ During episode introduction, some of the tree photos that illustrated the diverse kinds of trees that grow on our world ~ Some of the photos showing trees growing in cities ~ Photos of bonsai trees ~Photo of girl watering tree --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU for watching our Wonder of TREES Video Episode! This is only the 2nd video episode of the WONDER ADVENTURE! So much is to come on the journey ahead… ~ If you LIKE our videos, be sure to give them a thumbs up. Thank you! ~ Share with us in the comment section below, what you appreciate about trees, special memories you have with trees, and/or what kind of wonder you feel when you are amongst trees. We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY here and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other. ~ SUBSCRIBE to our Sea Tree Wonder Channel here on Youtube. ~ SHARE this video with your friends and family. Your likes, comments, subscriptions, and shares help the videos get shared with more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the happier the world we can all help create! Thank you again! Cheers to the adventures to come. You can watch Episode 1 here & read the 1st Blog Post: See you next Sunday for a NEW VIDEO EPISODE! Cheers, Wendy (Sequoia Win’Ni) & Megan (“life adventure buddies”, with the truest relationship best described as “best friend sisters”, through having come into this world as mother & daughter.) P.S. Wonder DOGS Uluru and Konane, wish us to share their thanks and joy with you too! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn more; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Trees #Nature #Inspiring #SeaTreeWonder SEA TREE WONDER, All Rights Reserved
Revitalize Appreciation, WONDER & State of Awe - Oregon Coast

Revitalize Appreciation, WONDER & State of Awe - Oregon Coast

In this week’s video, we celebrate the wonders & beauty of the beach, surf & ocean from the beautiful coastline of Oregon. Standing at the edge of the great Pacific Ocean, where sea and land meet, fills us with wonder & awe. We find that visiting the Coast always has a wonderful ability to renew and revitalize. When we let ourselves truly be who we are, it’s a joy to live in the moment and let ourselves play. Being curious adventurers on a wonder quest leads to many spontaneous experiences, serendipitous moments, and oceanic inspired wonderments. While trying to playfully film our finding wonder adventures, our enthusiastic dogs challenged our ease & playfulness. After slowing down to set our dogs and ourselves up for a win-win success blend of “wait stays” AND “playful puppy run-arounds” we found a method for dogs and humans to HAVE FUN AT THE BEACH. What do you do when challenging circumstances test your ability to feel happy? *Helpful Hints: ~Find something to appreciate. ~Regain perspective of what life’s all about. ~Find a win-win for FUN for everyone involved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌊🌲🌎 MORE Details on the BLOG Post: SUPPORT these WONDER Videos: Want to LEARN MORE about the WONDER Journey? Visit our website: ☕️ “Tip” jar – Buy us a Coffee: Get SOCIAL with us: ~ Facebook: ~ Instagram: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We create, film, and edit all our weekly video episodes! The wonderful music that goes into underscoring our videos is all licensed through Artlist. 🎶 WONDERFUL MUSIC for Videos: ~ Songs licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode: Hanjo Gabler, Crop for the Village, Ben Wagner, and Marc Robillard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video & photos by the two of us with the exception of the following: Some Copyright Free/Royalty Free/Public Domain Video was used in this episode. Licensed under the Pexels license; ~ Undersea video footage by Tom Fisk Licensed from ~Hearts/Love Clipart --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎥 THANK YOU for watching this 3rd Video Episode that celebrates the wonders of visiting the ocean side! More to come on the journey ahead… Share with us in the comment section below, ~What do you appreciate about your visits to the ocean? ~What special memories do you have of your experiences at the coast? ~What is your favorite beach and why? ~Describe the wonder you feel when you visit the place where the sea & land meet? ~Perhaps, you have never seen the ocean before? If you haven’t, what is it that you imagine you might feel when you one day stand before the ocean? AND… ~What do you do when challenging circumstances test your ability to feel happy? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other. 👍 Give the Video a thumbs up. 💭 COMMENT & interact with us in the comment section below. ❤️ SUBSCRIBE to Sea Tree Wonder’s YouTube Channel 👥 SHARE this video with your friends & family. On Youtube, when you LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to the Sea Tree Wonder Channel, you REALLY HELP the videos get shared & shown on Youtube to more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the happier the world we can all help create! Watch Previous Episodes: Watch the 1st video & learn about the purpose for this journey & more about us: Episode 2 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you again for your appreciation & support of the Sea Tree Wonder journey! Cheers, Wendy & Megan …and “Wonder DOGS” Uluru & Konane P.S. NEW VIDEO EPISODE next Sunday :-) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * You can always learn more about the “Finding Wonder & Joy Journey” by visiting the website; **Sign up for our email newsletter to join in on the Wonder Journey. You'll smiles, hugs, wonderments, encouragement and inspiration to your inbox each time we have a new weekly video episode to share. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #OregonCoast #HappinessVlog #Inspiring #SeaTreeWonder SEA TREE WONDER, All Rights Reserved
Wonder, Art & Action: Inspired by Orca Community - Southern Resident J, K & L Pods

Wonder, Art & Action: Inspired by Orca Community - Southern Resident J, K & L Pods

The salmon eating Southern Resident Orcas of the Pacific Northwest inspire immense wonder in our lives & the lives of many people! We have had the amazing opportunity to spend several weeks every summer, throughout many years watching J, K & L Orca whale pods from the west side of San Juan Island, Washington at Lime Kiln Point Lighthouse State Park. The Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales are a community of extended families that spend their lives together as they live, play, eat salmon, mate & raise their children in the inland waters of the Salish Sea, as well as out in the open waters of the Pacific Ocean. Our time spent watching & learning about this orca community has inspired our life in many ways! Their physical beauty, grace & power, combined with their incredible community driven, matriarchal society stirs wonder & compassion in our hearts & souls. As two caring, inspired & action driven people, we refuse to lose hope even though the future of these Orcas is full of challenges. We envision a healthy win-win future that includes people cooperatively working together to restore salmon populations, and healthy J, K & L Orca pods. These Orcas have the influence to inspire great wonder, and that wonder can take shape in all kinds of miraculous & possible ways! We support solutions that will result in healthier salmon populations, cleaner inland waters, and respectful interaction with the orcas & with each other as we all work to act on the solutions that are required to ensure a future that includes salmon & Southern Resident J, K & L Pod Orcas in the Pacific Northwest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These orcas inspired us to co-found an art business, Rainbow Orca Designs, where we create nature & wildlife inspired art that celebrates the beauty & playfulness of each animal we sculpt or paint. We donate 10% of the net profits from the sales of our art to conservation, animal rescue, humanitarian & arts projects. Learn more about our nature, wildlife & orca inspired sculptural ART & paintings by visiting our RAINBOW ORCA DESIGNS website: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORE Details on BLOG Post: Join the Sea Tree “Wonderist” Community & SUPPORT these WONDER Videos: Want to LEARN MORE about the WONDER Journey? Visit our website: Get SOCIAL with us: ~ Facebook: ~ Instagram: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WONDERFUL MUSIC for Videos: All songs licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode: ~Hanjo Gabler, Ziv Moran, Ben Wagner, Evolv, SLPSTRM, Ian Post & Marc Robillard All video & photos are filmed by the two of us, with the exception of the following: ~Closeup photographs of Orcas; courtesy of Bob Otis ~Map & satellite imagery of San Juan Island & Lime Kiln Lighthouse; Google Maps ~Licensed under the Unsplash license; photos of rainbow & rainbow paint colors ~Images of news headlines; from news organization websites ~Licensed under the Pexels license; underwater video footage of salmon ~ Licensed under the Pixabay license; image of Earth Globe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- May this video be a tribute to the orcas that inspire so many aspects of our life. Share with us in the comment section below, ~ Is there an animal that inspires you in your life? ~ What animal do you most relate with and why? If you LIKE our videos, ~ Give a thumbs up. ~ SUBSCRIBE to Channel ~ SHARE video. On Youtube, when you LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to the Sea Tree Wonder Channel, you REALLY HELP the videos get shared & shown on Youtube to more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude & wonder with each other, the happier the world we can all help create! Want to catch up & watch previous episodes? Watch all our video episodes by clicking this link for the full playlist: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you again for your appreciation & support of the Sea Tree Wonder journey! Wendy & Megan Learn more; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #LimeKilnLighthouse #Orcas #PNW #SeaTreeWonder SEA TREE WONDER, All Rights Reserved
Leaves: Autumn's Gifts of Color & Fall Season's Inspiration to Play

Leaves: Autumn's Gifts of Color & Fall Season's Inspiration to Play

This week’s inspirational “Finding Joy” video celebrates autumn’s colorful leaves & letting ourselves playfully enjoy the natural wonders of the fall season. Autumn is in motion & every colorful variation of yellow, orange, red, brown & green fills the outdoor world with beautiful brilliance. There is great WONDER, JOY & cause for APPRECIATION to find & experience in the fall season. Somehow, Autumn has the unique ability to make all four seasons really special! Autumn is like the year-end party that celebrates all that happened in the growth of spring & summer, the abundance of harvest time, and toasts to the winter to come. As the leaves begin piling up like scattered clumps of party confetti, it’s a joy to let ourselves delight in the colorful leafy wonders. The carefree autumn pastimes of playing in piles of leaves does not have to be an activity of the past. No matter how old any of us are in autumns experienced, we all can let ourselves experience its marvelous wonder as if it was our first. Through allowing ourselves to play & enjoy autumn wonders, we bring more positivity & inspiration into our daily lives. Having fun is fun. A simple thought, yet a powerfully uplifting phenomenon. We encourage you to go “play” outside & enjoy the beauty of the natural world. If you can’t get outside today, at least find three things to appreciate… It’s fun if at least one of your causes for gratitude is a wonderment of nature. MORE Details on BLOG Post: We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other. Share with us in the COMMENT section below, ~ What is it about autumn that inspires you to feel wonder? ~ How do you enjoy the autumn season? ~ What is it that you appreciate most about autumn? ~If you do not have an autumn season where you live, share your thoughts about that… --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Sea Tree “Wonderist” Community & SUPPORT these WONDER Videos: Want to LEARN MORE about the WONDER Journey? Visit our website: Get SOCIAL with us: ~ Facebook: ~ Instagram: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WONDERFUL MUSIC for Videos: All songs licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode: ~ Ziv Moran, Paper Planes, Lane King, Hans Johnson, Kipp Wilde & Marc Robillard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to catch up & watch previous episodes? Watch all our video episodes by clicking this link for ALL Episodes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you LIKE our videos, ~ Give a thumbs up. ~ SUBSCRIBE to Channel ~ SHARE video. On YouTube, when you LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to the Sea Tree Wonder Channel, you REALLY HELP the videos get shared & shown on YouTube to more people. Even though it takes a LOT OF TIME to create these videos, we are enjoying sharing our WONDER JOURNEY with you. Each video is sharing meaningful moments that we experience. We hope they are enjoyable and meaningful for you as well. IF YOU LIKE these weekly video episodes, we encourage you to SUBSCRIBE to the Sea Tree Wonder channel on YouTube. By “Subscribing” to the channel, you will be helping move forward the success of this channel. Also, we encourage you to share a COMMENT & INTERACT with us. Your likes, comments, shares and subscribing to the channel REALLY HELP the videos get shared with more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the HAPPIER the world we can all help create! THANK YOU again for your APPRECIATION & support of the Sea Tree Wonder journey! See you next week for a NEW Video Episode. Cheers, Wendy & Megan Learn more; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #FallLeaves #HappinessVlog #Nature #SeaTreeWonder SEA TREE WONDER, All Rights Reserved
Harvest Festival: Apple Taste Testing & Autumn Wonders

Harvest Festival: Apple Taste Testing & Autumn Wonders

Appreciating the season’s harvests, taste testing apples & feeling gratitude for the cornucopia of wonders that are all around us are the main themes of this week’s “Finding Wonder” video episode. We spent a fun-filled & delicious Saturday in early October appreciating the season’s harvest at the Cloud Mountain Farm Center’s Fall Fruit Festival in Everson, WA. We had the opportunity to taste dozens of different kinds of apples, pears & grapes, as well as, walk amongst the beautiful orchards, vineyards & gardens. We really enjoyed the opportunity to learn about & taste a lot of INCREDIBLE FRUIT! This non-profit TEACHING FARM is dedicated to building knowledge, experience & community to expand dynamic local food systems. The center helps to build a thriving, collaborative community of prosperity for farmers, a healthy environment & well-being for all citizens. ***Fun Note: this episode will encourage you to go EAT APPLES*** All the FRUIT TASTING, the playful visit to the PUMPKIN PATCH, and a walk through the orchards, vineyards & gardens, inspired us to feel APPRECIATION for the trees & plants that provide so much tasty & nutritious FOOD for us to eat. On our “finding wonder journey”, we are experiencing that there is MUCH TO APPRECIATE when we open our minds & hearts to feeling gratitude. Our precious canine buddies, Uluru & Konane, inspire us daily with their curiosity, enthusiasm and playfulness. In this video episode, it was fun & meaningful to share our taste testing of apples with our dogs. Enjoy this week’s episode! MORE Details on BLOG Post: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Sea Tree “Wonderist” Community & SUPPORT these WONDER Videos: *Our long-term ability to dedicate large amounts of time, effort & resources to creating weekly video episodes will only be possible with the HELP of patron’s making MONTHLY MONETARY PLEDGES to support these WEEKLY VIDEOS. **For as little as $4 a month, you can HELP SUPPORT the journey, receive behind the scenes access & gifts & join the “Wonderist” Community on Patreon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Share & interact with us in the COMMENT section below… ~ What do you enjoy & appreciate about the autumn harvest season? ~ What is your favorite kind of apple or pear? ~ Share with us a positive “wonderment” that you appreciate… We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY and we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to LEARN MORE about the WONDER Journey? Visit our website: Get SOCIAL with us: ~ Facebook: ~ Instagram: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WONDERFUL MUSIC for Videos: All songs licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode: ~ Bob Hart, Hanjo Gabler, Ben Wagner, Young Rich Pixies, Ziv Moran, LMOP & Marc Robillard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to catch up & watch previous episodes? Watch all our video episodes by clicking this link for ALL Episodes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you LIKE our videos, ~ Give a thumbs up. ~ SUBSCRIBE to Channel ~ SHARE video. On YouTube, when you LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to the Sea Tree Wonder Channel, you REALLY HELP the videos get shared & shown on YouTube to more people. IF YOU LIKE these weekly video episodes, SUBSCRIBE to the Sea Tree Wonder channel on YouTube. By “Subscribing” to the channel, you will be helping move forward the success of this channel. COMMENT & INTERACT - Your likes, comments, shares & subscribing to the channel REALLY HELP the videos get shared with more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the HAPPIER the world we can all help create! THANK YOU again for your APPRECIATION of the Sea Tree Wonder journey! See you next week for a NEW Video Episode. Cheers to making meaningful memories with your loved ones! (people or animals) Wendy & Megan and "Wonder DOGS" Uluru & Konane Learn more; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Apples #TasteTesting #Harvest #SeaTreeWonder SEA TREE WONDER, All Rights Reserved
Gratitude: Inspiring Daily Thankfulness, Joy & Wonder

Gratitude: Inspiring Daily Thankfulness, Joy & Wonder

Enjoy our inspiring exploration of gratitude, thankfulness, joy & wonder in this week’s video episode. Reasons for appreciation inspired us to create a “Gratitude Tree”. By consciously practicing daily gratitude, we naturalize our tendencies to be appreciative & joyful people sharing happiness, kindness & inspiration with others. By “counting our blessings” and taking notice of the simple & grand abundance that fills our lives, we open our hearts & minds to saying “Yes, to Gratitude.” Look for the good, and you will find reasons for wonderment abound in your life! It feels wonderful to feel sincere & true thankfulness, appreciation & gratitude. Gratitude has an influencing ability to empower & inspire joy, health, love & everything that makes our lives amazing! For this episode we were inspired to make a “GRATITUDE TREE”. We cut out colored paper leaves, and sat down with some pens to write down on each paper leaf something that we appreciate. It was a fun thankfulness & creative activity to do together. As we wrote down on each paper leaf something that we appreciate, we felt happier & happier, and more grateful for the things we do have. Amidst an often busy, stressful & financially challenging life, it is easy to feel lack, fear & concern. We found that by intentionally finding things to appreciate, we felt happier, more grateful & more excited about our lives. After writing down our reasons for gratitude on the leaves, we hung them with wire ornament hooks on an indoor twig branch arrangement that we have in a vase. We now have a beautiful indoor tree, made of arranged twig branches placed in a vase, and adorned with colorful autumn leaves that celebrate our thankfulness. As we wrote down our “wonderments” on the leaves, we basked in the feeling of appreciation. Gratitude opens the door to abundance. Gratitude inspires wonder! MORE Details on BLOG Post: ------------------------------------------------------------ May this video inspire & motivate you to feel GRATITUDE in your daily life. Share & interact with us in the COMMENT section below… ~ Share with us what you are grateful for today? ~ What does gratitude mean to you? ~ How do you enjoy sharing your appreciation with others? ~ Share with us your reasons for appreciation… We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY & we look forward to sharing our joys & wonders with each other. ------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Sea Tree “Wonderist” Community & HELP SUPPORT these WONDER Videos: *Our ability to dedicate time, effort & resources to creating weekly video episodes will be made possible with the HELP of patron’s making MONTHLY MONETARY PLEDGES to support these WEEKLY VIDEOS. Can you make a monthly pledge? --------------------------------------------------------------- Want to LEARN MORE about the WONDER Journey? Visit: Get SOCIAL with us: ~ Facebook: ~ Instagram: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN MORE about our the nature & wildlife inspire ART that we create by visiting our website: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WONDERFUL MUSIC for Videos: All songs licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode: ~ Hanjo Gabler, Borrtex, Ziv Moran, ANBR, Anthony Lazaro, Zac Nelson & Marc Robillard All video & photos in this episode are filmed by the two of us with the exception of the following: Licensed under the Pexels license; Undersea video footage by Tom Fisk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to catch up & watch previous episodes? Watch all our video episodes by clicking this link for ALL Episodes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you LIKE our videos, ~ Give a thumbs up. ~ COMMENT & interact with us in the comment section below. ~ SUBSCRIBE to Channel ~ SHARE video with your friends & family. COMMENT & INTERACT - Your likes, comments, shares & subscribing to the channel REALLY HELP the videos get shared with more people. More people discovering & sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the HAPPIER the world we can all help create! Cheers to feeling & sharing GRATITUDE & thankfulness in our daily lives! Your friends, Wendy & Megan and "Wonder DOGS" Uluru & Konane Learn more; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Gratitude #Thankfulness #HappinessVlog #SeaTreeWonder SEA TREE WONDER, All Rights Reserved
Sand Inspires Wonder & Adventure on the Oregon Coast

Sand Inspires Wonder & Adventure on the Oregon Coast

A sandy beach walk turns into a wondrous adventure up & down a sand dune in this week’s inspiring video. We found wonder & joy in appreciating SAND during our recent visit to the Oregon Coast. When we headed down the beach for a walk, and to see Pacific City’s Cape Kiwanda sand dune up close, we never planned on spending the whole afternoon scrambling up & down it. The scenic ocean & beach views from the top were gorgeous, and completely worth the exercise. Our two dogs enjoyed the adventure with their parents vlogging the journey. Exercising, while nature bathing, leads to inspired feelings of determination, commitment & exhilaration. By putting one foot in front of the other, and deciding to have fun getting messy, we had a wonderful & joyful adventure up what we called “Sand Dune Mountain.” We find that when we go for a walk in nature, we never know what we will see, who we will meet, how far we will go, or what will inspire us. Some of the wildlife we appreciated on this outing were seagulls, turkey vultures, pelicans & gray whales. Until this afternoon, we had never spent so much time appreciating sand. Being in the presence of so much sand inspired finding spontaneous wonderment in sand. Being open minded, curious & a witness to wonders, leads to memorable & playful adventures. MORE Details on BLOG Post: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- May this video inspire & motivate you to find, feel & share the simple playful and maybe messy wonders in your life. Share & interact with us in the COMMENT section below… ~ What is a joyful experience you have had with sand? Or if not joyful, memorable? ~ What did our sand themed video inspire you to appreciate today? ~ Share with us your reasons for joy and appreciation for wonderments… We are building a FINDING JOY ONLINE COMMUNITY & we look forward to sharing our joys and wonders with each other. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Sea Tree “Wonderist” Community & HELP SUPPORT these WONDER Videos: *Our ability to dedicate time, effort & resources to creating weekly video episodes will be made possible with the HELP of patron’s making MONTHLY MONETARY PLEDGES to support these WEEKLY VIDEOS. Can you make a monthly pledge? For as little as $4 a month, you can HELP SUPPORT the journey, receive behind the scenes access & gifts & join the “Wonderist” Community on Patreon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to LEARN MORE about the WONDER Journey? Visit: ☕️ “Tip” jar – Buy us a Coffee: Get SOCIAL with us: ~ Facebook: ~ Instagram: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WONDERFUL MUSIC for Videos: All songs licensed through Artlist. Musical Artists heard in THIS Episode: ~ Kevin Graham, James Forest, Bottega Baltazar, Shriker Big Band, Tom Goldstein, Polaris Rose, Paper Planes & Marc Robillard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to catch up & watch previous episodes? Watch all our video episodes by clicking this link for ALL Episodes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you LIKE our videos, ~ Give a thumbs up. ~ COMMENT & interact with us in the comment section below. ~ SUBSCRIBE to Channel ~ SHARE video with your friends & family. COMMENT & INTERACT - Your likes, comments, shares & subscribing to the channel REALLY HELP the videos get shared with more people. More people discovering and sharing joy, gratitude, and wonder with each other, the HAPPIER the world we can all help create! THANK YOU again for your APPRECIATION of the Sea Tree Wonder journey! See you next week for a NEW Video Episode. Cheers to finding joy in simple & grand wonders! Your friends, Wendy & Megan and "Wonder DOGS" Uluru & Konane Learn more; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #OregonCoast #CapeKiwanda #NatureVlog #SeaTreeWonder SEA TREE WONDER, All Rights Reserved

Why we named our family art business
"Rainbow Orca Designs" in 2012
and why it will always be a part of our new

"Wonderment Abounds"

Watch this video and learn about the salmon eating Southern Resident Orcas of J, K & L Pods that really inspire our art and our lives.

(this video was made by us from our Sea Tree Wonder journey)

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